
Latest Episode

Jumping Through Time with Dr. Yaussy (Part 1)

Summary Biological Anthropology Professor Dr. Yaussy and I travel through time, jumping to the past in this episode to uncover the world of Biological Anthropology and its importance in learning about public health. This is part one in a three-part series interview.  Transcription


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What is Project Quaranteens?

Project Quaranteens’s mission is to educate and equip teens and young adults with the tools needed to end scientific misinformation. Through our short form podcasts, Project Quaranteens aims to spread awareness about misinformation online and provide facts to its listeners.

Our first season was all about past disease outbreaks and the public health lessons we learned from them. Now on our second season, the Quaranteens are back to tackle misinformation surrounding vaccines.

Project Quaranteens’s host is Pranav Kannan, a high school junior whose goal is to create a safer, smarter community that can discern between misinformation and factual data .

“Stay home and listen to our podcast!”


Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

Charity of this Month: the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases

Founded in 1973, the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to educating the public and healthcare professionals about the burden, causes, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases across the lifespan.

Healthier lives through effective prevention and treatment of infectious diseases

Educate the public and healthcare professionals about the burden, causes, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases across the lifespan

Please take the time to donate to the NFID today. Every donation aids in ending the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Photo by Ann H on Pexels.com

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